Close Protection Services

Here’s an overview of our Close Protection Services
  • Asset escorting and transportation
  • Organising and implementing secure travel procedures
  • Executive employee and work force protection and security
  • Protection of film crews and TV journalists on location
  • Intelligence and operational support
  • Executive transport

Our close protection personnel will prevent unwanted attention and can intervene whenever necessary to ensure your privacy and security. The CP team of escorts are well groomed and will dress in a manner that compliments the image you wish to convey.

CP personnel can work individually or as a team. Individual security will usually work closely with the client and be on 24 hours a day to assist with any security matters.
When a close protection team are employed we will provide a team with complimentary skills to facilitate the smooth running of your security needs.

Close protection teams can be engaged for a short periods or a longer term if required. All CP personnel have current passports so they can travel with you to any destination.
All employees of Moors Protection Services are fully qualified and licensed by the security industry authority.

Close Protection Officers duties

A Close protection officer’s job is essentially to minimise risks or threats to their principle. Typically the close protection officer (often referred to as a bodyguard) is security officer or government employee who protects individuals, families, and organisation members from assault, kidnapping, stalking, terrorist attacks and other threats.

Celebrities and important public figures, High net worth individuals etc. will typically get protection from a team of close protection officers hired by an agency, security forces or police forces.

Lower value, lower risk public figures are usually accompanied by a single close protection officer who will sometimes also act as a driver.

Close Protection Officer Responsibilities

Close Protection Officers take on a wide range of duties depending on their own experience, the risks and needs of their principle, and the environment they are operating in. Factors affecting the role of the close protection officer are:

The type of client

A celebrity being followed or mobbed by aggressive photographers generally engages a C.P.O to block or maintain photographers distance. There is considerable less risk and the risks are more about invasion of privacy than a risk to life or limbs. However often the job can be quite difficult on these occasions as often there is just a lone close protection officer. In low risk scenarios typically the Close Protection Officer’s job is to be as discrete as possible. In a high risk environment the job of the close protection officer may be less subtle and the principle may want to discourage potential hostile behavior by an overt show of force.

The Driver C.P.O

Sometimes close protection officers are drivers of the client. This role includes checking the vehicle if it was required to be left unaccompanied, to escort their client on foot. The driver needs to be trained in evasive/defensive driving techniques. The vehicle (depending on the level of risk and operational environment), may be specially equipped with ballistic glass and armor, have fire extinguishers, especially resistant front and rear bumpers etc. to provide additional protection for client and driver.

Close Protection Team: The Daily Routine

The day begins with a daily meeting led by their Team Leader. The principle’s schedule is analyzed and team’s action is decided. The close protection team discusses how they will transport, escort and perform any counter surveillance tasks that need doing. The close protection team needs to assess the range of risk to which client will be exposed, and act accordingly. The Close Protection Team will make arrangements by checking the venues roads before hand. The close protection team may have a list of people that will be coming in to contact with their principle.

Vehicle Security

A close protection team member or driver will inspect the vehicles before leaving with the client for any scheduled locations. The number of vehicles varies according to the level of risk or the operational environment. In the UK, a low risk client may have only a single car. In more high-risk environments or with a high-risk principle additional cars to form a protective band of vehicles that can flank the principle’s vehicle.

Transferring the principle

Once the vehicles have been inspected, they are typically bought near an exit door so that principle can leave their building. At least one driver or bodyguard stays with the now-searched cars. This ensures the vehicles have not been tampered with and avoids the likelihood that any unforeseen risks are experienced getting into the cars. With higher risk principles the close protection team will flank the client as they approach or exit the vehicle.

Travelling with the principle

The close protection team and principle will then proceed towards the destination. A variety of routes will have been checked and the entire team will be familiar with the chosen or back up routes. The close protection team will try to avoid choke points where traffic flow is congested or easily stopped. Areas such as tunnels or single lane bridges may be avoided depending on the risk profile of the principle.

This is a very basic view of tasks usually assigned to a close protection team member. The roles required of a close protection officer in a high-risk environment vary considerably from that of a close protection officer working in most city centers Europe.